“Evangelische Freiwilligendienste” is an amalgamation of Protestant voluntary service organisations that offer voluntary service programmes both within Germany and abroad.
Currently there are about 60 associated organisations offering placements regional and national within Germany as well as international placements. In addition, there is a collective international programme through the Diakonisches Jahr im Ausland (DJiA) www.djia.de
Each year approximately 14.000 volunteers are given placements with the Protestant organisations nationwide and abroad.
The protestant voluntary service organisations have decades of experience in voluntary service and have developed the programmes from the beginning as both educational and personal growth-oriented. The coalition of protestant voluntary service organisations conducts the voluntary service programmes on the principle of collectively stipulated goals and standards and is committed to continuing these operating practices.
Click here for a list of our affiliated organisations.
Our programs are open to everyone regardless of religion or nationality. Foreigners are welcome and encouraged to take part.
The Protestant voluntary service organisations have a Christian worldview. They believe in the sanctity and dignity of the individual. Its central values are charity, self-determination, tolerance and respect.
Evangelische Freiwilligendienste gGmbH
Otto-Brenner-Straße 9, 30159 Hannover
Tel. 05 11/45 000 83-30
infoev-freiwilligendienstede, www.ev-freiwilligendienste.de